Joy Of Living Happy Hour 

Meeets Daily At 5:30pm

I.    Old Business – Dan A

II.   New Business – Dan A

III.  Secretary’s Report (5/3/2024 minutes)- Ann Z

IV.  Service Chair Report -John D

V.   Coins and Books Report – Dan A for Pam D

VI. Treasurer’s Report- Joanne

VII.  GSR Report- Herb

VIII. Web Site Report- Herb

IX. Adjournment – Dan A

May’s Treasurer’s Report

Month Period 05/01/24 05/31/24
Deposit (GSB) $900.70
7th Tradition Contributions $161.00
Total    $116.00
Zoom -$34.01
Coins and books $0.00
Expenses Total
Total     -34.01
Prudent Reserve  $400.00
Balance       $500.70
Not counting reserve
