Joy Of Living Happy Hour 

Meeets Daily At 5:30pm

Minutes 2/7/2023 Business Meeting

Happy Hour Joy of Living Group

Business Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, Feb 7, 2023

Present: Herb, John D, Liz, Deb, Pam D, John R, Justine, Rich E, Sarah

The meeting was opened by Herb with the Serenity Prayer.

New Business:

New Chairs needed for GSR, Business Meeting Chair, and a Webmaster Chair

A motion was made to exchange service commitments between Siobhan and Deb. Siobhan will become the Secretary and Deb will become the GSR chair.

The motion was seconded and then passed unanimously.

A motion was made to separate the Business Meeting Chair and Webmaster Chair with Herb remaining as Webmaster Chair, and a new Business Meeting Chair will be needed. It will be announced over this month that the meeting is looking for a Business Meeting Chair. Qualifications include 1 year continuous sobriety. The Chair positions are 2-year commitments. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Updates on Recruitment of Hosts/ Co-Hosts

The open Host service positions have been filled with the addition of Diego (Mons), John R (Thurs), and Karen C (Weds). Justine expressed availability to learn the Host role for the Friday meeting. Liz will train Justine.

Moving forward, we will look to fill co-hosts service positions for each night.

Change of Chairperson’s script to include Pam D

John D will modify the Chairperson’s script to include reference to Pam D as the contact person for coins and books. The Hosts will make Pam D a co-host each night so that she can receive direct chats regarding coins and books; and addresses.

Meditation Room after one of the weekly meetings

Herb suggested we try a Meditation Room as a breakout meeting after the Main meeting on a particular night. It would involve a volunteer to lead a 8-10 min guided meditation for people. A motion was made to announce at the General Meeting that we are looking for any interested people in helping to lead the Meditation Room. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

GSR Report

Herb reported in Siobhan’s absence on the first District 20 Meeting. Al D is the Head of District 20. A treasurer and secretary were elected. The District also opened a bank account for District 20, Area 11. A motion was made to approve the GSR report and was accepted unanimously.

Secretary Report

Deb reports that the Minutes from the January Business meeting are posted on the website. A motion was made to approve the January Minutes and was accepted unanimously.

Treasurer Report

Liz reports that the current balance is $620.72. See attached for detailed treasurer’s report. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report and was passed unanimously.

Host Chair Report

John reports things are working smoothly. A motion made to approve the Host Chair report and was passed unanimously.

Coins & Books Chair Report

Pam D reports that 6 coins and 1 Big Book were sent out in January. A motion made to approve the Coins & Books report and was passed unanimously.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:08 pm

Respectfully submitted, Deb B, Secretary

Joy of Living Happy Hour Monthly Treasurer’s report

January 31, 2023

January Income (Donations) $ 59.00

January Expenses $ 31.88

Zoom $31.88

Reserved (9/30) for distribution to District: $ 734.09

Prudent reserve $ 200.00

Current Bank balance $1554.81

Current Available Balance $ 620.72
