Joy Of Living Happy Hour 

Meeets Daily At 5:30pm

Minutes 11/02/2021 Business Meeting

November 2, 2021

5:30 Joy of Living Meeting

 Business Meeting Minutes

  • GSR Report was delivered by Herb. 
  • District 4 will be split into at least 3 groups because there 70 groups in the district, whereas most districts have 20 groups. 
  • AA Hotline is paid for by the groups.
  • A motion was made, seconded and unanimously agreed to accept the GSR report.
  • Secretary Report
  • Herb announced the Group’s application for membership at the world level with a corresponding unique GSO # has been approved; and the number will be issued in approximately one month.
  • Herb stated the Group’s application with the Connecticut schedule placement is pending.
  • Terri stepped down as Secretary and Deb stepped up into the role.  Deb was unanimously voted into the position.
  • A motion was made, seconded and unanimously agreed to accept the Secretary report.
  • Treasurer Report
  • Liz presented the Treasurer’s report which showed a balance as of November 2, 2021 of $575.69.  Since September 15, 2020 expenses have been comprised of Zoom fees, coins and Alcoholics Anonymous books.
  • Three sources for receiving funds have been successfully set-up; and all three have been receiving funds.  They are Paypal; Venmo; and a P.O. Box in Vermont.
  • A bank account is open and both Herb and Liz have signature authority.
  • We agreed that $200 is a good prudent reserve, and that sums above that amount will regularly be distributed 60% District / 30% State / 10% GSO.
  • We discussed contributing to the Thanksgiving and Christmas Alkathons in the Guilford area and the discussion was tabled.
  • A copy of the Treasurer’s report is attached for distribution to the group. 
  • A motion was made, seconded and unanimously agreed to accept the Treasurer’s report.
  • Host Chair Report
  • John D. stated that the Chair and Host rotations are working well.
  • We discussed codifying the Host role; Liz has already put information into writing.
  • A motion was made, seconded and unanimously agreed to accept the Host’s report.
  • Old Business
  • There was no old business
  • New Business
  • It was moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed by the group to have a Chair for Coins and books.
  • Terri volunteered for the role and was unanimously voted by the group to serve in this role.
  • We moved, seconded and unanimously voted to use the revised AA Preamble in the Chairperson’s script; it is already posted on the group website at
  • We agreed that the Officers of the Meeting (GSR Representative, Treasurer, Secretary, Host Chair, Coins & Books Chair) should have as minimum requirements for service either:
  • One year of continuous sobriety or
  • Six months of continuous sobriety and a sponsor.
  • We agreed to discuss the definition of “cross talk” at the next business meeting on December 7, 2021. 
  • We agreed to discuss on December 7, 2021 adding wording to the Chairperson’s script to the effect of “If you are new and want to know more about sponsorship feel free to join a break out meeting after the meeting; or ask questions by chat”.
  • We also discussed changing the order of the pages of the Chairperson’s script so that the “Hints” page is first, and the script is page two.
  • Members present at the meeting included:
  •  Mary, Herb, Catherine, Deb, Liz, John D., Cliff, George, and Terri.
  • Closing
  • We closed with the Responsibility Prayer and the Serenity Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Terri S.

Group Secretary
