6:30 pm June 6th business meeting minutes:
Present: Liz, Deb, Jess, Dan A, Denise, John D, Pam D, and Patrick
Meeting started at 6:33 Dan opened with the serenity prayer
*There was no old business to discuss
* Passed on approval of last months minutes
Treasurer report: Liz announced we have $200 in prudent reserve and available funds Totaling $437.44
John D the service chair had nothing to report
Pam D sent out in the month of May 2 Big Books and 4 coins
John D made a motion to accept
Dan A seconded the motion: motion passed unanimously
Deb the GSR represented us with a survey regarding attraction vs promotion
There were 6 questions, which I will attach, it was voted 7-1 not to continue as it was considered too vague.
New Business:
Discussion about being part of the EMZoomers and EMR group's summer picnic. John D made a motion to nominate Patrick as our representative as our groups picnic planner. Dan seconded,and was voted unanimously.
Liz made a motion to accept the abridged version of Robert's Rules of Order John D seconded, and passed unanimously.
Other new business was whether or not to allow participants to unmute themselves.
Liz made a motion to allow people to unmute on a one month trial basis, the vote did not pass 5-3. Pactrick seconded.
Dan A made a motion to allow participants to unmute indefinitely starting Monday June 12th. Jess S seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Jess S made a motion to commence the meeting at 7:38 Dan A seconded. Passed unanimously.
Survey https//www.surveumonkeycom/r/XDSBXZG
Joy of Living Happy Hour Monthly Treasurer’s report
May 31, 2023
May Income (Donations) $ 214.34
May Expenses (zoom) $ 34.01
Prudent reserve $ 200.00
April 30 balance $ 257.11
Current Available Balance (not counting reserve) $ 437.44