Joy Of Living Happy Hour 

Meeets Daily At 5:30pm

Minutes 1/3/2023 Business Meeting

Happy Hour Joy of Living Group

Business Meeting Minutes

6:30 Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Present: Herb, Terri, John D, Liz, Deb, Pam D, Yvonne, Rick E, Stephen, Michelle C, Sarah

The meeting was opened by Herb with the Serenity Prayer.

New Business:

· Qualifications for Hosts/ Co-Hosts

In last month’s meeting, it was voted on that each nightly 5:30 meeting will have a Host and a Co-host. Tonight we clarified that the co-host will be trained to become a Host for future meetings. To be thought of as “host in training”.

As far as qualifications, it was recalled that we currently do not have sobriety qualifications for Hosts. The only requirement is that you are computer-literate and have a desktop, laptop, or tablet device for Hosting.

A Motion was made that our group have no requirements for Co-hosts (aka Hosts in training). The motion was seconded and discussion followed. The motion was voted on with 6 votes in favor, and two abstained. The motion was passed.

· Recruitment of Co-Hosts

There were a couple of motions made, seconded and discussed by the group. One motion was that the Service Chairperson recruit and assign the new co-hosts. After discussion, that motion was withdrawn. Another motion that was discussed and then withdrawn involved each Host being responsible for recruitment of a co-host.

A final motion was made that John D, the Service Chair, draft a Recruitment script that will be presented for review and discussion in our next month’s Business Meeting. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

· Election of New Chair for the Coins and Books Committee

Terri is stepping down from her service as Chair of Coins and Books Committee. Her service was acknowledged and appreciated by the group.

Pam D was nominated as new Chair of the Coins and Books Committee. Her nomination was voted on and passed unanimously.

· Webpage

The AA Happy Hour webpage is managed by Herb who welcomes any suggestions for changes, corrections, and improvements to the Webpage.

GSR Report

Herb reported in Siobhan’s absence that District 4 was divided as of 1/1/2023. Guilford is now District 20. The first District 20 meeting will be on Zoom scheduled for Jan 19th. Al D is the Head of District 20. A motion was made to approve the GSR report and was accepted unanimously.

Secretary Report

Deb reports that the Minutes from the December Business meeting are posted on the website. A motion was made to approve the December Minutes and was accepted unanimously.

Treasurer Report

Liz reports that the current balance as of 12/31/22 is $617.60. See attached for detailed treasurer’s report. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report and was passed unanimously.

Host Chair Report

John reports things are working smoothly. A motion made to approve the Host Chair report and was passed unanimously.

Coins & Books Chair Report

Terri reports that there were 2 coins and 1 Big Book sent out in December. For the entire 2022 year, there were 55 coins sent to celebrants of 1 thru 11 months; 37 coins sent to celebrants from 1 year up to 48 yrs; and 13 Big Books were sent out to persons who requested them. A motion made to approve the Coins & Books report and was passed unanimously.

Agenda Items for Next Month:

· Recruitment of Co-Hosts: Review of Draft Script for Recruitment

· Quarterly distribution of funds to District, State, and GSO: Review of percentages to each

Meeting Adjourned at 7:33 pm

Respectfully submitted, Deb B, Secretary

Joy of Living Happy Hour Monthly Treasurer’s report

December 31, 2022

November Income (Donations) $ 138.00

November Expenses $ 243.86

GSO $97.14

Area 11$ 97.14

Zoom $31.88

Coins and books $17.70

Reserved (9/30) for distribution to District: $ 734.09

Prudent reserve $ 200.00

Payouts not yet shown $ 194.28

Deposits pending $ 109.30

Current Bank balance $1636.67

Balance $1551.69

Current Available Balance $ 617.60


It’s time for us to make quarterly distributions

The new total available to distribute now is $617.60

Our standard in the past has been 60% District, 30% Area 11, and 10% GSO, but we broke from that pattern in the last two quarters and did 60% District, 20% Area 11, and 20% GSO.

Need decision on proportions to distribute 1/1/23
