Joy Of Living Happy Hour 

Meeets Daily At 5:30pm

Minutes 9/6/2022 Business Meeting

Happy Hour Joy of Living Group

Business Meeting Minutes

Sept 6, 2022

Attending: Herb, Liz, John D, Deb, Siobhan, Yvonne, Peg, Alice, James G., Barb, Rich, Sean W

Open with Serenity Prayer

New Business: Noon Meetings Continuing or Not

John D and Rich reported that there has been no one attending these meetings.  A motion was made to cancel the Saturday and Wednesday noontime meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

Old Business: New Language for Chairperson’s Script.

Yvonne introduced ideas for new language for the script regarding improper behavior using chat.  The group discussed the suggestions and others. No motion for change was made.

GSR Report

  • Siobhan reports there will be an Open Discussion about the division of District 4 at the Elks Club in West Haven on 9/15, 7:30pm. A motion was made to approve the GSR report and was accepted unanimously.

Secretary Report

  • Deb reports that the Minutes from the August Business meeting are posted on the website.  A motion was made to approve the August Minutes and was accepted unanimously.

Treasurer Report

  • Liz reports that the current balance is $221.56. See attached for detailed treasurer’s report. The motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report and was passed unanimously.

Host Chair Report

  • John reports that all Host and ChairPersons are “Top-Shelf”.  Michelle C will be a new host on Tuesdays. A motion made to approve the Host Chair report and was passed unanimously.

Coins & Books Chair Report

  • No report due to absence of Terri and Pam D in tonight’s meeting. 

Meeting Adjourned at 7:11pm

Respectfully submitted, Deb B, Secretary
