November 7th JOL business meeting
Attendance: Jess, Dan A, Pam D, Herb, Liz, Wendy, Joann, Uli, Denise, Justine, John D, Patti T
6:32 Dan A opened with the serenity prayer.
Old Business: No old business
New Business:
To find a GSR. Jess made a motion to nominate Herb as GSR. Liz seconded it, passed unanimously. Herb accepted the position as GRS, though mentioned he would be willing to give up position if there were any new interests, and he would be happy to help train.
Dan A made a motion to make a $100 donation to the Clinton Thanksgiving Alkathon. John D seconded the motion.... Passed with 11 votes.
GSR report: N/A
Secretary report: Jess made a motion to accept last month's minutes. Dan A seconded, passed unanimously.
Service chair: John D reported that everything was running smoothly, and training Kristiana for the Tuesday night host. Jess made a motion to accept, Liz seconded. Passed unanimously.
Coins and books: Pam D sent out 4 coins with cards. John D made a motion to accept, Dan A seconded. Passed unanimously.
Treasurer's report: October income donations: $140.00
October expenses(zoom): $34.01 Prudent reserve: $200.00
September 30 balance(not counting reserve) $195.66
Current available balance(not counting reserve) $301.65
Jess made a motion to accept October's treasurer's report. Liz accepted, passed unanimously.
7:12 Jess made a motion to adjourn. Dan A seconded, passed unanimously.