Joy Of Living Happy Hour 

Meeets Daily At 5:30pm

Minutes 01/04/2022 Business Meeting

5:30 Happy Hour Joy of Living Group- Guilford

Meeting Minutes, Jan 4, 6:35 PM

Attending the Meeting:  Herb, Terri, Liz, Deb, Yvonne, Peg, Pam D, Rich, Sally R, David, Wendy, Betsy D, Patti, Ulli, Barb, Chelsea

Open with Serenity Prayer

GSR Report

  • Herb reported that District 4 is still discussing how and when to go back to physical GSR meetings.  The district has hired a new answering service to take hot line calls and it’s still working well.  The redistricting efforts are ongoing.  The district is looking for volunteers to fill many vacant po

  • sitions.  Anyone interested in service should speak to their GSR about possibilities. Motion made to approve and was accepted unanimously.

Secretary Report

  • Minutes from last meeting are posted on the website. Motion made to approve and was accepted unanimously.

Treasurer Report

  • Presented by Liz. See attached for detailed treasurer’s report. Balance is $472.22.  Treasurer’s Report was accepted unanimously. 

Host Chair Report

  • No update. John D, absent.

Coins & Books Chair Report

  • Terri reports that she received a donation of 95 coins and box from the Branford Zion church AA meeting which closed. In addition, she has sent out multiple coins to members celebrating anniversaries and 1 Big Book. Report accepted unanimously.


Crosstalk: What is meant by crosstalk in AA meetings and does it need to be addressed? Open discussion. There was a motion and it was passed to add an additional word to the Chairperson’s script. It will now read:

 “Please be respectful of each other, refrain from giving advice or criticism, or using profane language. “

Business Meeting Night of the week: It was agreed that Tuesday evening will remain the night of the monthly Business Meeting.  No one made a motion to change the meeting to a different evening.

Decision-making:  It was acknowledged that a recent emergency meeting was called with the Meeting officers in response to Zoom Bombers.  The decision was made to lock the meeting so that people could not unmute themselves and could not change their screen names.  This will remain the format for this next month and will be on next month’s agenda.

Herb asked the group to affirm the decision of the officer's meeting.  Discussion ensued about decision making.  No motions were made on the matter.

Tabled for Next Meeting / Agenda Items

  • Distribution of Funds
  • Adding a Traditions meeting to the last Step meeting of each month
  • Meeting Security

Meeting Adjourned at 7:30 pm with the Serenity Prayer

Respectfully submitted,

Deb B

Group Secretary

Joy of Living Happy Hour Treasurer’s report

October-December 2021


Balance forward:              $  197.57

Income:                               $1421.88

Total income:                    $1619.45

Prudent reserve:              $  200.00

Expense:                              $  947.23

Total expense:  $1147.23

Available:                            $  472.22



October:              $  410.00 donations

November:         $  496.88 donations plus a banking reconciliation of +$156.88

December:          $  515.00 donations

Oct-Dec total:    $1421.88


October:              $  31.88

$   31.88 Zoom

November:         $ 783.47

$    31.88 Zoom

$    24.34 Coins and storage

$    27.25 checks

$ 420 .00 donation to District 4

$ 210.00 donation to Area 11

$    70.00 donation to GSO

December:          $  131.88

                                                $   31.88 Zoom

                                                $ 100.00 donation to Branford Christmas alkathon


Oct-Dec total:    $ 947.23

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