Joy Of Living Happy Hour 

Meeets Daily At 5:30pm

Minutes 12/08/2023 Business Meeting

Officers in attendance:

Dan A - chair

Liz - outgoing treasurer

John D - service chair and minutes taker

Pam D - books and coins

Jo - incoming treasurer

New Business:

Election of new Assistant Service Chair.

Liz elected Service Co-Chair by acclimation

Contributions to District, State and GSO.

John D motion to allocate 50% to GSO 25 to State 25 to District. Motion fails.

Our usual breakdown of contributions stands.

Amend the introduction.

Motion to amend Opening Script passes by acclimation:

“If you have any concerns about the meeting please refrain from disrupting the meeting but Chat the Hosts instead.”


Web and GSR Reports:


Secretary's Report:


Treasurer Report:

Joann P-

Joy of Living Happy Hour Monthly Treasurer’s report

November 2023 (submitted Dec 8, 2023)

October Income (Donations)                                      $  263.59

October Expenses (zoom, Thanksgiving alkathon)     $  134.01


Prudent reserve                                                          $  200.00


September 30 balance (not counting reserve)           $  301.65

Current Available Balance (not counting reserve)   $  421.23

Motion to accept the report passes by acclimation.

Service Chair Report

Nothing new to report.

John R volunteered to fill the Tuesday host position

Motion to accept the report passes by acclimation

Coins & Books Chair Report

2 Coins sent out

Motion to accept the report passes by acclimation

Motion to close passes by acclimation
