5:30 Happy Hour Joy of Living Group
Business Meeting Minutes
May 2, 2022
Open with Serenity Prayer
GSR Report:
At the April 21 2022 meeting, topics discussed included redistricting and printing meeting books. Redistricting District 4 may take a year or more.
One point of information given was that the district has approximately $27,000 in their treasury. Part of the redistricting conversation involved how the treasury will be divided between the new districts. Motion made to approve the GSR report and was accepted unanimously.
Secretary Report: Terri reports that the Minutes from the March Business meeting are posted on the website. Motion made to approve the March Minutes and was accepted unanimously.
Treasurer Report: Presented by Liz. See attached for detailed treasurer’s report. End of month balance is $839.69. Treasurer’s Report was accepted unanimously.
Host Chair Report: John D reports everything is running smoothly. The new Wednesday and Saturday Noon Meetings are up and running and have a nice small group appeal. Motion made to approve the Host Chair report and was accepted unanimously.
Coins & Books Chair Report: Coins are going out at a rate of approximately 10 a month. Occasional books to newcomers are also being mailed.
Old Business: none
New Business: Herb moved that chairperson requirements include not having chaired one of the Happy Hour meetings for 30 days. John D seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
April 2022 Treasurer's Report
April Contributions - $113.22
April Expenses
Zoom - 31.88
Books and Coins - 22.24 54.12
Beginning Balance - 480.59
Contributions - 661.53
Expenses - 402.43
Ending Balance- 839.69