Joy Of Living Happy Hour 

Meeets Daily At 5:30pm

Minutes 8/2/2022 Business Meeting

5:30 Happy Hour Joy of Living Group

Business Meeting Minutes

August 2, 2022

Attending the Meeting:  Herb, Terri, John D., Deb, Pam D, John O, Wendy, Justine, Dan A, Michelle, Ulli, Elizabeth E, Andy, Miss Sarah, Sharon H, Ric87, Regina, Alice, Chelsea, Peg, David, Yvonne

Open with Serenity Prayer

New Business:

Our Current Security:  It was explained that the current security measures include restrictions on unmuting, changing your screen name, and chatting with anyone other than the hosts. These have been put in place to keep the group safe from disrupters and harassers to the meeting’s purpose.

There was an open discussion about these measures and any suggestions for changes or additional measures.

A motion was made to have a waiting room. The motion was seconded and an open discussion followed.  There was a vote on the motion with results:  4 yes; 14 no.  The motion failed.

A motion was made proposing that the group have a policy for when a member can be kicked out of a meeting for inappropriate behavior.  Herb asked for volunteers to draft such policy for discussion at next month’s meeting.  John O and others agreed.

A motion was made to restrict the use of Whiteboards during the meeting.  The motion was seconded with discussion following.  The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

A motion was made to require that people turn on their video screens when coming into the meeting.

The motion was seconded and an open discussion followed.  The motion was voted on with results: 4 yes; 7 no.  The motion failed. 

Another suggestion was made that there be additional language in the Chairperson’s script referring to sanctioned behaviors that interfere with the purpose of the meeting and cause members to feel unsafe.  Yvonne agreed to draft this language and present at next month’s Business Meeting.

Secretary Report: Deb reports that the Minutes from the July Business meeting are posted on the website.  A motion was made to approve the July Minutes and was accepted unanimously.

Treasurer Report: Presented by Herb on Liz’s behalf. See attached for detailed treasurer’s report. End of July balance is 310.13. The motion was made to passed the Treasurer’s Report and was passed unanimously.

Host Chair Report: John D reports everything is running smoothly.  New hosts are always needed. A motion made to approve the Host Chair report and was passed unanimously.

Coins & Books Chair Report:  Terri & Pam D co-chair & report that 5coins went out in July for celebrants with less than 1 year.  Another 4 coins were sent to celebrants with 1 year and more. Four Big Books were sent as well.  A motion made to approve the Coins & Books Chair report and was passed unanimously.

GSR Report:  Herb provided update on behalf of Siobhan. The GSR continues to work on how to divide District 4.  A full report from the GSO will be included at the end of these minutes. A motion was made to approve the GSR report and was accepted unanimously.


Respectfully submitted, Deb B, Secretary

Joy of Living Happy Hour Monthly Treasurer’s report 

July 31 2022

Balance as of June 30 2022                             $ 1146.71

July Income (Donations)                                 $  142.00

June Expenses (zoom)                                     $    31.88

Distribution: Area 11                                      $    94.67                    

Distribution: GSO                                            $  473.35

Reserved for later distribution:                       $  378.68

Current Available Balance                             $  310.13

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