Joy Of Living Happy Hour 

Meeets Daily At 5:30pm

Minutes 2/01/2022 Business Meeting

5:30 Happy Hour Joy of Living Group- Guilford

Meeting Minutes, Feb 1, 2022, 6:35 PM

Attending the Meeting:  Herb, Terri, Liz, John D., Deb, Peg, Pam D, Rich, Sally R, John R., Mathew, Lisa U, Al D, Barb, JP, Siobhan

Open with Serenity Prayer

GSR Report

  • Herb presented GSR updates. The GSR will be discussing redistricting and potentially splitting up District 4.  Motion made to approve and was accepted unanimously.

Secretary Report

  • Minutes from the Jan meeting are posted on the website. Motion made to approve and was accepted unanimously.

Treasurer Report

  • Presented by Liz. See attached for detailed treasurer’s report. Current balance is 643.78.  Treasurer’s Report was accepted unanimously. 

Host Chair Report

  • John D reports all is going smoothly. John R volunteered recently to join the host role.

Coins & Books Chair Report

  • Terri reports that she sent out 14 coins and 2 Big Books in Jan. Report accepted unanimously.


  • Separating GSR and Chairperson positions:  Herb has been doing both jobs.
  • A motion was made to separate the two jobs and the motion was passed unanimously.
  • Herb will stay on as Chairperson and the GSR position will be filled by a new person, TBD.
  • Security Measures: locking the meeting to control for Zoom Bombers.  A brief discussion concluded that the current practice is working well and no changes are needed.
  • Coin Distribution:  Currently Terri is sending out coins for 24 hr, 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, and annually.  A discussion followed in which people support the idea of coins for all months in the first year. In order to manage this job, Terri asked for a co-chair.  Pam D volunteer.  A motion was made to have Coin co-chairs to distribute coins for all month anniversaries.  The motion was passed unanimously.
  • Distribution of Funds: Currently the Treasurer is contributing 60% to the District, 30% to the State, and 10% to the GSO.  This is done on a quarterly basis. No changes were proposed.
  • Adding a Traditions meeting to the Step meeting:  Following a brief discussion, a motion was made to dedicate the first Step Meeting of each month to the AA Traditions. The motion was passed unanimously.
  • A new Saturday midday meeting:  There was a discussion about the potential interest by some AAers to develop a Sat 12 noon meeting and whether it should stand alone or be part of the Joy of Living Happy Hour group.  There is an upcoming planning meeting to discuss the organization of this new meeting.  It was decided that this topic will be tabled for our March Business meeting agenda since there should be more information gathered by that time. 

Meeting Adjourned at 7:07 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Deb B

Group Secretary

Joy of Living Happy Hour 

Treasurer’s report January 31 2022

Balance as of 12/31/21                       $ 472.22

Donations                                            $ 280.00

Expenses (zoom, coins, books)           $ 108.44

Prudent reserve maintained               $ 200.00

Currently Available:                           $ 643.78

Respectfully submitted,

Treasurer Liz T.
