5:30 Happy Hour Joy of Living Group
Business Meeting
March 1, 2022, 6:30pm
Meeting Minutes
Attending the Meeting: Herb, Terri, Liz, John D., Deb, Pam, Sally R, Lisa U, Al D, Barb, Alex, Dan A, Jane, Tommy, Vickie O, Annie, Wendy
Open with Serenity Prayer
GSR Report: Siobhan has volunteered to be the GSR representative.
Herb reports that the GSR is looking for more representation across all AA meetings. There is also a proposal at the GSR to divide District 4 since it is large. Motion made to approve and was accepted unanimously.
Secretary Report: Deb reports that the Minutes from the February meeting are posted on the website. Motion made to approve the Feb Minutes and was accepted unanimously.
Treasurer Report: Presented by Liz. See attached for detailed treasurer’s report. Current balance is 790.21. Treasurer’s Report was accepted unanimously.
Host Chair Report: John D reports all is going smoothly. Deb B has volunteered to join the host role.
- A motion was made to revise the Chairperson’s Suggestions to read: “Try to call on people who raise their hand as well as people who do not.” The motion was passed unanimously.
Coins & Books Chair Report: Terri reports that she sent out 6 coins and 1 Big Books in Feb. Pam (not present) has been sending out coins for 24-hr and first year month coins. Report accepted unanimously
Tonight’s Topics
- Remove emails from list on website: Herb has removed email addresses from the Meeting website to protect members’ privacy.
- Do we want to keep the Burning Desire in each meeting? After discussion, no motion was made to change our format. Burning Desires will remain a regular part of the meeting format.
- A new mid-day meeting:
- A motion was made and passed unanimously for the following: A new AA meeting will convene twice weekly at 12 noon, sponsored by the Joy of Living Meeting. This will allow for shared resources such as Zoom Room & treasury support. This new meeting/s will be sponsored by the Joy of Living Meeting for a trial period of 6 months.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:00 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Deb B, Group Secretary
Joy of Living Happy Hour
Treasurer’s report February 28 2022
Balance as of 1/31/22 $ 843.78
Feb Donations $ 178.31
Feb Expenses (zoom, coins, books) $ 31.88
Prudent reserve maintained $ 200.00
Currently Available: $ 790.21