Joy Of Living Happy Hour 

Meeets Daily At 5:30pm

Minutes 04/04/2023 Business Meeting

Happy Hour Joy of Living Group

Business Meeting Minutes

April 4, 2023

Present: Dan A., Deb, John D., Liz, Siobhan and Herb

The meeting was opened by Dan with the serenity prayer.

Old Business:

Regarding the Happy Hour Joy of Living funds and their distribution, currently the percentages are:

60% District 20

20% Area 11

20% GSO

New Business:

There will be no monetary distributions for quarter ending 4/23. The distribution percentage will be discussed further at the May business meeting (5/2/23). The motion was accepted and passed unanimously.

At the next meeting, the option to allow participants to unmute themselves in order to share rather than raising their hand will be discussed. The motion was accepted and passed unanimously.

Secretary Report:

Siobhan reported that the minutes to the March Business meeting should be posted on our website. A motion was made to approve the March minutes and was passed unanimously.

Treasurer Report: Liz reported that the current balance is $68.12 which does not include the $200 prudent reserve. A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made and passed unanimously.

Host Chair Report: Chairperson’s script to include those counting days when asking if anyone is celebrating an anniversary. A motion to approve host chair report was made and approved unanimously.

Service Chair Report: Pam issued 5 coins and 0 books in March. The motion to approve the service chair report was made and passed unanimously.

GSR Report: The motion to defer was made and passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Siobhan—Secretary

Joy of Living Happy Hour Monthly Treasurer’s report

March 31, 2023

March Income (Donations) $ 109.00

March Expenses $ 72.48

Zoom $34.01

Coins and Books postage: $38.47

Prudent reserve $ 200.00

February 28 balance $ 213.60

Current Available Balance (not counting reserve) $ 68.12


It’s time for us to make quarterly distributions

The new total available to distribute now is $68.12

I propose with the small balance that we hold off until next quarter, 6/30/23

However, we need to re-visit proportions of distributions.

Our standard in the past has been:

· 60% District

· 30% Area 11

· 10% GSO

Quarters ending September and December 2022:

· 60% District

· 20% Area 11

· 20% GSO

Need decision on proportions to distribute going forward
