Joy Of Living Happy Hour 

Meeets Daily At 5:30pm

Minutes 12/14/2021 Business Meeting

5:30 Happy Hour Joy of Living Group- Guilford

Meeting Minutes, December 14, 2021, 6:30 PM

Attending the Meeting:  Herb, Terri, John D, Liz, Deb, Peg, Pamela C, Regina, John R, Sally R, Brigette, Tom, Alice, David, Lisa U, Wendy, Andrew

Open with Serenity Prayer

GSR Report

  • No new GSR updates.  Refer to last month’s minutes for most recent GSR report.

Secretary Report

  • Minutes from last meeting were accepted

Treasurer Report

  • Presented by Liz. See attached report for treasurer’s report (see attached).  Balance currently is $430.00.  Treasurer’s Report was accepted.

Host Chair Report

  • John D reports “business as usual” – one more host could be helpful. Host Chair Report was accepted.

Coins & Books Chair Report

  • Terri reports that she has put together a spreadsheet to track to whom coins are going.  Terri will plan to purchase more coins as needed. No requests have been received for Big Books.

Old Business

  • Contributing to the Branford Christmas Alkathon:  A motion was made and accepted to donate $100 to the Alkathon.

Codifying the Host role:

  • A discussion about Standardizing breakout room announcement, "The host will be setting up two breakout rooms after the meeting, one for women and one for men. You will receive an invitation after the closing prayer." It was agreed that the host will provide breakout rooms after every meeting.  The main room will be used as a non-binary room or gender non-specific room. 

Dealing with security issues

  • There were Zoom bombers in a recent meeting, quickly managed by the hosts. Herb spoke about Zoom’s additional security measures such as locking the meeting and removing the profile pictures. A motion was made and accepted that in the event Zoom bombers invade a meeting, the meeting will be locked.

Changes to Chairperson’s Scripts

  • The Hints Page will precede the Chairperson’s Script.  We will add to the script: “If you are new and want to know more about sponsorship feel free to stay after the meeting and we’ll be happy to chat with you.”

Tabled for Next Meeting: 

  • The definition of “cross talk” and if it should be added to the Chairperson’s script. How to address double-dipping in meetings. 

Meeting Adjourned at 7:15 pm with the Serenity Prayer

Respectfully submitted,

Deb B

Group Secretary

Joy of Living Happy Hour Treasurer’s report

October and November 2021


October:          $ 410 donations

November:      $ 496.88 donations plus a banking reconciliation of +$156.88

Oct-Nov total: $ 906.88


October:          $  31.88

$   31.88 Zoom

November:      $ 496.88

$    31.88 Zoom

$    24.34 Coins and storage

$    27.25 checks

$ 420 .00 donation to District 4

$ 210.00 donation to Area 11

$    70.00 donation to GSO

Oct-Nov total: $ 815.35

Bank Balance (includes carryover of $197.57 from previous months) 

As of 11/30/2021:       $ 289.10

(Addendum: Bank Balance as of 12/14/2021: $ 434.10)
