Joy Of Living Happy Hour 

Meeets Daily At 5:30pm


Guilford AA Happy Hour Business Meeting

9/6/2024 at 6:30pm


Officers: Dan A.-Chair, John D.- Service Chair, Jo -Treasurer, Pam D.-Coins and Books, Herb-GSR

& Website Chair, Ann Z.-Secretary

Others: Diego, John R., Liz, Miss Sarah, Justine, Judy, Denise, Lisa F.

Dan A. opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer.

Old Business: none

New Business: Based on earlier discussion, Dan A. asked if these should be a motion to set a more formal limit on the amount of time meeting participants to share comments. He said he randomly checked on recent timing trends in our meetings and found that most people stay within the three minute limit-but a minority of select individuals do tend to exceed the limit. Dan A. also commented that some groups have a red timer in the upper left hand portion of the computer screen that does not appear to be interruptive. He said he was basically neutral on the topic of timing limitations.

Liz, while also neutral on this topic, pointed out that more obvious time limiting tools could be seen as divisive and create anxiety for those who are “fraught” on a topic. She suggested there may be different ways of helping people stay within the optimum time allotment, i.e., gentle reminders from the chair or other tech. tools. Herb noted that the topic of people occasionally speaking too long comes up in all meetings along the Shoreline, including live meetings. He said more formal ways of limiting peoples’ share time are always voted down, again citing that members should not be made to feel anxious.

Denise said that she doesn’t feel that people generally abuse their share-time and that we seem to have plenty of time for all to share. She states that having a chair or host telling someone they were “going over” would make them nervous-like at the Academy Awards.

Joanne reiterated that three minutes is a suggested time for general shares, but likes the concept that when someone is a “bad place” that they may need to go overtime and they should be allowed to. Miss Sarah said she has seen other Zoom meetings with “suggested” limits and likes the flexibility. She also pointed out that as long as leaders are respectful, she doesn’t mind being told to wrap it up.

John D. mentioned that he saw an example of this issue at an Alanon meeting in NYC and that the time was like a guillotine shutting people down. He offered that share-time control is kind of a hopeless issue-there are always going to be ramblers. He doesn’t see a solution – except leaving it up to the Chair’s discretion.

DanA. Asked for any other comments or thoughts. Herb suggested that no motion be made and that we move on to other business.  John D. seconded this suggestion and the issue was closed.

Secretary’s Report: Ann Z. reported that the minutes for the 8/5/2024 Business Meeting had been posted on the group’s Website and Dan A. asked for any comments. None were made.

Service Chair Report: John D. reported that there is nothing new. He also pointed out that he had been Service Chair for a long time and would be happy to transition out of that role. Dan A. recommended that finding a new Service Chair be an agenda item for our October meeting.

Coins and Books Report: Pam D. reported that 2 coins with cards had been sent out in July. No books were requested during that time. Dan A. asked for any questions or comments. None were made.

Treasurer’s Report: Jo reported that August had been a light month for expenses.  She noted that, per Herb’s recommendation, she had added a Year-to-Date (YTD) column for all Income and Expenses.

The current balance for the JOL Happy Hour Meeting is $379.43 (not counting the reserve of $400). $779.43 was deposited into the GSB account. Income was reported for 7th tradition contributions ($85.00 w/YTD @ $1,578.67). Expenses reported were for Zoom were ($34.01 W/YTD @$272.08) and for Coins and Books (YTD $186.97).

Jo reminded the group that in September, the group usually sends out donations from our current balance to: District 20 (20%), Area 11 (40%) and GSO (40%). Herb made a motion to hold back $100 of the current $379.43 balance.  John D seconded and all voted yes except Dan A. who voted no.

GSR Report: Herb reminded the group that all GSR minutes are posted on the district web site at:


He said that District 20 is still organizing and has no projects pending. He reported that the Area 11 Convention in Hartford will be at the Airport Sheraton Hotel with reports and workshops. Herb also pointed out that every year the GSO sponsors a bus trip to NYC and that reservations may be made on their web site ct/

Web Server Report: Herb again clarified that that our District 20 web site is autonomous

He strongly emphasized that he is not the “boss” of the Happy Hour web site. But rather, he said he is always open to suggestions and does what the group’s Conscience requests. Dan A noted that the Web Server’s report does not often change from month to month and asked if we need a monthly report. No comments were madw

Chairman’s comments. Dan A. made a motion to approve all service reports at once at the end of the meeting. John D. seconded this motion and it was unanimously accepted.

September business meeting.

Adjournment: Dan A. asked if there was any new business – no new business was mentioned. He made a motion that all reports be accepted. This was seconded by John D and Jo and all reports were accepted unanimously. The meeting was also unanimously called to adjournment.
