Guilford AA Happy Hour Business Meeting
10/4/2024 at 6:30pm
Attendance: Officers: Dan A.-Chair, John D.- Service Chair, Jo -Treasurer, Pam D.-Coins and Books, Herb-GSR & Website Chair, Ann Z.-Secretary. Others: John R.
Dan A. opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer.
Old Business: none
New Business: none
Secretary’s Report: Ann Z. reported that the minutes for the 9/6/2024 Business Meeting had been posted on the group’s Website and Dan A. asked for any comments. None were made.
Service Chair Report: John D. reported that there is nothing new-all is running like a “well-oiled machine.”
Coins and Books Report: Pam D. reported that 4 coins with cards had been sent out in September. No books were requested during that time. Dan A. asked for any questions or comments. None were made.
Treasurer’s Report: Jo reported that in September there was an uptick in 7th Tradition donations ($265) v. $85 in August. Total 2024 year-to-date 7th Tradition donations are at $1,843.67.
The current balance for the JOL Happy Hour Meeting is $284.23 (not counting the reserve of $400). $796 was deposited into the GSB account. Total expenses reported for September were $-330.20. Here is the breakdown:
- Zoom – $-34.01 (YTD $306.09)
- Coins and Books $-16.76 (YTD $203.73)
- District 20 Donation* $-55.89 (YTD $415.73)
- Area 11 Donation* $-111.77 (YTD $1,107.96)
- GSO Donation* $-111.77 (YTD $1,354.43)
- Check Purchase $ 0 (YTD $30.57)
*These Donations are made on a quarterly basis with the next donations scheduled for January 2025. Jo reported that only the Area 11 donation had not yet cleared. Dan A asked for any questions. None were made.
GSR Report: Herb reported that District 20 is undergoing a review of the traditions. He also said the District is continuing to do a good job carrying the message to prisons, treatment centers, libraries and schools as well a medical clinics where they are welcome through the distribution of pamphlets and Big Books.
Web Server Report: Herb reminded the group that all GSR minutes are posted on the district web site at: https://d20a11.org. He said that they are looking to redesign the Area 11 website- to make it more comprehensive and easier to access and navigate. He is looking for input on content and volunteers to help. There will be training for any volunteers on how to make changes to the website.
Chairman’s comments. Dan A. noted that the minutes had already been approved andmade a motion to approve all other service reports at once at the end of the meeting. John D. seconded this motion and it was unanimously accepted and the reports were APPROVED
Adjournment: Dan A. asked if there was any new business – no new business was mentioned. The meeting was also unanimously called to adjournment.